PURELAB® Classic DI, ELGA LabWater
The PURELAB® Classic DI system combines high performance with economy to deliver 18.2MΩ-cm water at a very cost effective price for non critical applications.
These reliable water polishing systems provide cost-efficient alternatives for ASTM Type I purity water used in many general analytical and biological applications, including HPLC, ICP, ICP/MS, GC, IC, AA, cell culture, and molecular biology.
Unique CID technology provides full traceability and history of purification cartridge packs for validation. Systems also feature easy front-loading cartridges and complete sanitization of all wetted parts.
Wall- or bench-mountable.
Cartidge capacity 45,000 L producing 18.2MΩ-cm water per single purification pack/μS at pH 7.0
Water Purification DI System Classic DI System ASTM Type I water system For ICP and Ion Chromatography.
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