(2,8-Dibenzyl-6-phenyl-imidazo[1,2a]pyrazin-3-(7H)-one; DeepBlueCTM)
Molecular Biology Grade
CAS Number: |
Chemical Formula: |
Molecular Weight: |
391.48 g/mol
Differences in the Analogues of Coelenterazine
Coelenterazine more commonly referred to as native Coelenterazine has many uses. It is the substrate for Renilla luciferases (Rluc), it is used in the detection of calcium ions in living cells, gene
reporter assays, BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) studies, ELISA, and superoxide anion detection in cells.
Coelenterazine 400a:
Coelenterazine 400a is the preferred Rluc substrate for BRET studies. This coelenterazine derivative generates a blue emission between 390 nm and 400 nm which has minimal interference with the emission of the GFP acceptor.
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